Om kvinnligt diakonat – syster Phoebe kom igen !

Diakonen Phoebe

Rom 16:1 ”Jag vill lägga ett gott ord för vår syster Foibe, som tjänar församlingen i Kenchreai. 2Ta emot henne i Herren på ett sätt som anstår de heliga. Hjälp henne med allt hon kan begära av er. Hon har själv varit ett stöd för många, också för mig.”

Bibelöversättningen inte adekvat. Ca 20 år innan evangelisten Markus skriver sitt evangelium befinner sig Paulus i Korinth där han skriver sitt brev till Romarna och som antagligen Phoebe får med sig som budbärare till de kristna i Rom. Paulus kallar henne ”diakonos” i församlingen i Kenchreä dvs samma titel som manliga diakoner har och genom att kalla henne ”syster” jämställs hon med den kristna församlingens bröder.
”Diakonos” dvs församlingföreståndare var vid denna tid då Paulus skriver Romarbrevet den titel som användes för det enda ÄMBETE som DÅ fanns i urkyrkan och som användes för såväl män som kvinnor………


AMERICA magazine planerar en rundabordsdiskussion

”The current Vatican commission exploring the possibility of women deacons has raised a number of questions about their role in the church. As ordained ministers who are neither priests nor lay people, the actual role of deacons in the parishes where they minister remains unclear to many Catholics. What are deacons, and how has their role changed over history?

Could women deacons revolutionize pastoral ministry and transform the church? How can the diaconate better meet the changing needs of the faithful today? Join us for a roundtable discussion sponsored by the Fordham Center on Religion and Culture and America Media featuring:

Nancy Dallavalle, theologian and vice president for mission and identity at Fairfield University
Deacon Greg Kandra, blogger at Aleteia’s “The Deacon’s Bench,” multimedia editor at Catholic Near East Welfare Association.
Rita Ferrone, contributing editor at Commonweal and blogger at “Pray Tell Blog”
George Demacopoulos, theologian and founding co-director of the Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham University”

Pröva dina kunskaper om diakonat

I den pågående diskussionen om kvinnligt diakonat inom romersk – katolska kyrkan kan det vara intressant att snegla lite på hur det låter inom de ortodoxa kyrkofamiljerna.

Patriarkatet i Alexandria vill återupprätta kvinnligt diakonat

17 nov 2016

Ortodoxe teologen Dr. Kyriaki Karidoyanes FitzGerald skriver redan 2008

In Communion – Website of the Orthodox Peace Fellowship

”According to Byzantine liturgical texts, the ordination of the woman deacon occurred as any other ordination to major orders. It took place during the celebration of the Eucharist and at the same point in the service that the male deacon was ordained. She was ordained at the altar by the bishop, and later in the service, received Holy Communion at the altar with the other clergy. Depending upon the need, location and situation in history, the deaconess ministered primarily to the women in the community in much the same way that the male deacon ministered to men…. [The order] was gradually de-emphasized sometime after the twelfth century. It should be noted, however, that there does not exist any canon or Church regulation that opposes or suppresses the order.””

Och redan 2005 i Grekisk -ortodoxa kyrkan

”The Holy Synod also say, that depending on opportunities, the regional Bishop may consecrate (kathosiosi) senior nuns of Holy Monasteries of their Eparchy; in order to address the needs of their Holy Monasteries, and only with the understanding that the deaconess is not appointed to the rank (bathmos) of priesthood.”

// Irène

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