Påvens utnämning av kardinaler en skymf mot offren för prästers sexövergrepp

Det finns nätverk för  offer för prästers sexövergrepp.

Tex  Voice  of the desert (VFTD) och SNAP (Survival networks by those abused by priests )


”Our mission

We educate the public about clergy sexual abuse and how it is covered up, we advocate for the protection of children, and we work for justice for the victims of sexual abuse. We do this by providing news and opinion–my on issues of interest to our audience.

What we believe

We ground ourselves on four bedrock values: truth, justice, compassion, and American democratic principles.”

Läs  texter på VFTD om tex Raymond Burke

St. Louis Archdiocese Importing Predatory Priests

Under Archbishop Raymond Burke, dozens of proven, admitted, and credibly accused predator priests have been sent to St. Louis. Some live in church facilities, others don’t. At least three worked recently in city parishes and one works now at a local Catholic college. None of them, SNAP feels, are adequately supervised and in virtually no case did church officials notify parishioners or the public about these potentially dangerous clerics.”

“We’re saddened by the Pope’s pattern of promoting bishops who ignore or conceal child sex crimes. While in St. Louis, Burke was often reckless, deceptive and callous regarding predator priests, vulnerable kids and wounded victims. He expanded the troubling practice of importing sexually troubled priests from across the US, letting some of them work in local parishes and letting others stay in church facilities that are secretive and careless about public safety.

The Pope continues to reward men just like him: bright but rigid, and seemingly more committed to preserving orthodoxy than protecting children. The Pope can’t have it both ways. He can’t be taken seriously when he professes to care about children and victims while promoting men who endanger children and hurt victims.

To Catholics and victims hoping for a more compassionate, responsive and responsible church hierarchy, this move is distressing.”


“Wuerl, like Mahony and Dolan, is one of the most PR-savvy bishops in the world. But he has essentially been just as determined, and even more successful, than his peers in keeping child sex cases quiet.

During his tenure in Pittsburgh, he benefited from some of the nation’s most restrictive and predator-friendly laws which effectively blocked all but a tiny handful of victims from bringing criminal or civil charges against pedophile priests and exposing corrupt church officials.”




Så här skriver SNAP på sin hemsida i nov 2004 om olika ärkebiskopar bla Donald W Wuerl nu utnämnd till kardinal och William Levada utnämnd till kardinal redan 2006 och efterträdare på kardinal Ratzingers post som prefekt  för Troskongreationen  2005.


“Pittsburgh Bishop Donald W. Wuerl:

While publicly posturing as a ”reformer” on this issue, he allows his PR staff to attack the motives of victims and their attorneys, and refuses to publicly name known and suspected abusive clergy. He bought one half hour of prime time local television to run basically a sefl-serving ”informercial” about how well his diocese is handling abuse, but refused to allow a victim on the panel. Wuerl has ignored requests to help warn West Virginia families about an abusive priest from Pittsburgh who is now practicing in that state as a counselor.”

“San Francisco Archbishop William J. Levada:

Levada delayed removing a charismatic accused priest from his post, even after his staff met face-to-face with the victim and she filed a civil lawsuit. Later, Levada returned that same cleric to active ministry, despite a second allegation from another unrelated victim. Just this week, the lay person hand-icked by Levada to head the archdiocesan review board quit in protest, saying the board’s independence was compromised. (See San Francisco Chronicle)”

// Irène

PS  Mörkermän utnämns således till kardinaler.  Det är en skymf mot kyrkans alla offer för prästers sexövergrepp.

Raymond  Burke och William Levada har dessutom av påven ansetts lämpliga att inneha 2 av de mest prestigefyllda posterna i Vatikanen som högsta chefer för just de instanser som ska bedöma TRO, RÄTT OCH MORAL hos GUDSFOLKET och dess kyrkliga företrädare.

Lägg därtill Vatikanens fd statssekreterare  Angelo Sodano –  som tagit emot mutor och beskyddat den ökände pedofilprästen Marcial Maciel Degollado – och som  nu är  chef för kardinalskollegiet.

Vatikanen har uppenbarligen blivit ett reservat för celibatära män som TROTS moraliskt förkastlig egen bakgrund av påven är betrodda att  bedöma andra  människor.

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1 svar på Påvens utnämning av kardinaler en skymf mot offren för prästers sexövergrepp

  1. Sigurd Bergvall skriver:

    Och man kan läsa att SSPX-präster vid speciellt svåra bikter sedan länge får sina till Vatikanen insända frågor besvarade “all good and licit”. Det betyder att Vatikanen erkänner dessa bikter som giltiga!!!

    ”The Holy See is thus making a de facto recognition of SSPX jurisdiction to hear confessions, a position that the Society and a number of canonical experts have maintained for years in the face of what is obviously a difficult legal situation.” (REMNANT)

    Så här är vi idag: reaktionära kardinaler som hälsar SSPX välkomna.

    Nej, jag är inte SSPX-supporter. Jag anser att det rena Evangeliet OCH Jesus är det enda säkra. Allt annat är påhitt av människor. Bort det! Jag lämnade alla påfund för 7 år sedan.

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