Valresultatet på Irland ”nederlag” alternativt ”seger för mänskligheten”?

Italiens  president Sergio Mattarella och Vatikanens statssekreterare Pietro Parolin.

Pietro Parolin definierar valresultatet på Irland ”inte bara som  ett nederlag för kyrkan utan för hela mänskligheten.”

”Thanks in part to the Vatican’s influence on Italian politics, Italy has long resisted rulings on gay unions.

But the Irish vote has galvanized the Italian government, led by prime minister Matteo Renzi, to push ahead with its own planned legislation on civil unions, which would allow couples of the same sex to be recognized by law.”

// Irène

PS Samma valresultat bedöms av Bridget Mary så här

”It is  a victory for humanity, and an affirmation of justice, compassion and equality.
The Vatican is on the wrong side of history again. Cardinal Pierlene’s statement that the Irish vote supporting gay marriage as a ”defeat for humanity,”reflects the Vatican’s failure to understand that the spiritual equality and human rights of LGBT persons is the main moral issue in marriage equality. ”

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3 svar på Valresultatet på Irland ”nederlag” alternativt ”seger för mänskligheten”?

  1. Gert Gelotte skriver:

    Irène, vänner,

    ”ett nederlag för hela mänskligheten”. Snacka om att ha förlorat perspektivet och omdömesförmågan. Något så korkat kan nog bara den säga som gjort kyrkan till en sekt.


  2. Irène Nordgren skriver:


    ”Korkat” var ordet …….

    Tyvärr är ju tunnelseende en merit inom Vatikansekten ! Vidsynta personer kommer oftast inte ifråga !

    // Irène

  3. Irène Nordgren skriver:

    The Tablet publicerar olika reaktioner på valresultatet på Irland.

    Jag fastnade särskilt för Ursula Halligans inlägg (political editor of the Irish television station TV3)

    Apropå Katolsk Katekes som bla påstår

    ”Ett icke ringa antal människor uppvisar grundläggande homosexuella tendenser. Denna böjelse har objektivt sett en felaktig inriktning; för de flesta av dem utgör den en verklig prövning.”

    Halligan skriver

    “The issue is not how to instruct the faithful, but how to help the faithful address the complexities implicit in embracing its gay members.

    The institutional Church has conspicuously failed to do that in the past. In the piece I wrote in The Irish Times – which went global as an account of a lifetime of passing as heterosexual – I pointed out that as I was growing up, the worst of my miseries were caused by me being a good Catholic girl, knowing the Church I belonged to and loved regarded me as aberrant.

    Last Sunday, Catholic churches around the world celebrated Pentecost, the day the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles, energising and inspiring them to live and spread the Gospel’s values. Today, the energy that enlivened the early Church is in short supply. Perhaps, if there were more around, it might inspire the hierarchy to reexamine its theology of human sexuality and its understanding of what it is to be human.”

    // Irène

    PS ”Prövningen” som homosexuella med andra ord utsätts för ligger INTE i deras ”böjelse” utan i att känna sig abnorm/ pervers/ avvikande i sin egen kyrkas ögon.

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