Leve Levy – tummen ner för Isaac Bachman

I år har det gått 50-år sedan Israel ockuperade Palestina

Gideon Levy ber i ett öppet brev i Haaretz sina läsare om ursäkt. Om ursäkt för att han kränkt Haaretz läsare genom att skriva om sanningen. Levy vänder sig särskilt till paret Orna och Moshe Gan-Zvi som nu sagt upp sin prenumeration på Haaretz.

”What can we do? The Palestinians are different from you, dear Orna and Moshe. They were not born in such lofty heights as you. They are human animals, bloodthirsty, born to kill. Not all of them are as ethical as you and your children from the Eli academy. Yes, there are people who fight for their freedom. There are people who are forced to do so violently. In fact, there are almost no nations who haven’t acted this way, including the chosen people you’re proud to belong to. Not only do you belong; you are the pillar of fire that leads the camp, you’re the best, the moral elite – you, the religious Zionists.”

”There are so many wonderful things in this country, and Haaretz – with its “moral deterioration,” as you call it – is ruining the party. How did I not see that you don’t like to read the truth, and didn’t take this into account when I’d return from the occupied territories every week to write about what I’d seen with my own eyes?”

Levy avslutar sitt brev med orden ”I’m sure your Shabbats will be a lot more pleasant from now on.”


”Gideon Levy is a Haaretz columnist and a member of the newspaper’s editorial board.
Levy joined Haaretz in 1982, and spent four years as the newspaper’s deputy editor. He is the author of the weekly Twilight Zone feature, which covers the Israeli occupation in the West Bank and Gaza over the last 25 years, as well as the writer of political editorials for the newspaper.
Levy was the recipient of the Euro-Med Journalist Prize for 2008; the Leipzig Freedom Prize in 2001; the Israeli Journalists’ Union Prize in 1997; and The Association of Human Rights in Israel Award for 1996.
His new book, The Punishment of Gaza, has just been published by Verso Publishing House in London and New York.”


// Irène


Isarels ambassadör i Sverige Isaac Bachman har sin syn på saken och uttalar sig 17 febr i Sydsvenskan

”Att hävda att det ”i år gått 50 år sedan Palestina ockuperades” är fullkomligt historiskt och faktamässigt missvisande. En historiskt mer korrekt formulering skulle vara: ”I år har det gått 50 år sedan sex arabiska stater misslyckades med att utplåna det judiska folket i Mellanöstern.”


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