Varför en jesuit lämnat sin orden

Läs det gripande brevet till kollegor och vänner från den 80-årige jesuitprästen Bert Thelen som lämnat sin orden.

Jag saxar ur brevet

”In plainer words, we need to end the world view that structures reality into higher and lower, superior and inferior, dominant and subordinate, which puts God over Humanity, humans over the rest of the world, men over women, the ordained over the laity. As Jesus commanded so succinctly, ”Don’t Lord it over anyone … serve one another in love.” As an institution, the Church is not even close to that idea; its leadership works through domination, control, and punishment. So, following my call to serve this One World requires me to stop benefiting from the privilege, security, and prestige ordination has given me. I am doing this primarily out of the necessity and consequence of my new call, but, secondarily, as a protest against the social injustices and sinful exclusions perpetrated by a patriarchal church that refuses to consider ordination for women and marriage for same- sex couples.”

// Irène

PS  Det är alltså bla som protest mot sociala orättvisor och syndfulla exkluderingar som begås av en patriarkal kyrka som vägrar viga kvinnliga ämbetsbärare och samkönade par som Bert Thelen lämnat sin orden.

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