Boff om kyrkans kris


Lenonardo Boff är en av den katolska reformrörelsens förgrundsgestalter. Varför framgår av nedanstående text.

Gert Gelotte

Monday, 15 August 2011 00:00 |
by Leonardo Boff


Earthcharter Commission

There is great disappointment with the institutional Catholic Church. A double emigration is happening: one is exterior, persons who simply leave the Church, and the other is interior, those who remain in the Church but who no longer feel that she is their spiritual home. They continue believing, in spite of the Church.

It’s not for nothing. The present pope has taken some radical initiatives that have divided the ecclesiastic body. He chose a path of confrontation with two important episcopacies, the German and the French, when he introduced the Latin Mass. He articulated an obscure reconciliation with the Church of the followers of Lebfrevre; gutted the principal renewal institutions of Vatican Council II, especially ecumenism, absurdly denying the title of «Church» to those Churches that are not Catholic or Orthodox. When he was a Cardinal he was gravely permissive with pedophiles, and his concern with AIDS borders the inhumane.

The present Catholic Church is submerged in a rigorous winter. The social base that supports the antiquated model of the present pope is comprised of conservative groups, more interested in the media, in the logic of the market, than in proposing an adequate response to the present grave problems. They offer a «lexotan-Christianity» good for pacifying anxious consciences, but alienated from the suffering humanity.

It is urgent that we animate these Christians about to emigrate with what is essential in Christianity. It certainly is not the Church, that was never the object of the preaching of Jesus. He announced a dream, the Kingdom of God, in contraposition to the Kingdom of Caesar; the Kingdom of God that represents an absolute revolution in relationships, from the individual to the divine and the cosmic.

Christianity appeared in history primarily as a movement and as the way of Christ. It predates its grounding in the four Gospels and in the doctrines. The character of a spiritual path means a type of Christianity that has its own course. It generally lives on the edge and, at times, at a critical distance from the official institution. But it is born and nourished by the permanent fascination with the figure, and the liberating and spiritual message of Jesus of Nazareth. Initially deemed the «heresy of the Nazarenes» (Acts 24,5) or simply, a «heresy» (Acts 28,22) in the sense of a «very small group», Christianity was acquiring autonomy until its followers, according to The Acts of The Apostles (11,36), were called, «Christians».

The movement of Jesus is certainly the most vigorous force of Christianity, stronger than the Churches, because it is neither bounded by institutions, nor is it a prisoner of doctrines and dogmas. It is composed of all types of people, from the most varied cultures and traditions, even agnostics and atheists who let themselves be touched by the courageous figure of Jesus, by the dream he announced, a Kingdom of love and liberty, by his ethic of unconditional love, especially for the poor and the oppressed, and by the way he assumed the human drama, amidst humiliation, torture and his execution on the cross. Jesus offered an image of God so intimate and life-friendly that it is difficult to disregard, even by those who do not believe in God. Many people say, «if there is a God, it has to be like the God of Jesus».

This Christianity as a spiritual path is what really counts. However, from being a movement it soon became a religious institution, with several forms of organization. In its bosom were developed different interpretations of the figure of Jesus, that were transformed into doctrines, and gathered into the official Gospels. The Churches, when they assumed institutional character, established criteria of belonging and of exclusion, doctrines such as identity reference and their own rites of celebration. Sociology, and not theology, explains that phenomenon. The institution always exists in tension with the spiritual path. The ideal is that they develop together, but that is rare. The most important, in any case, is the spiritual path. This has a future and animates the meaning of life.

The problem of the Roman Catholic Church is her claim of being the only true one. The correct approach is for all the Churches to recognize each other, because they reveal different and complementary dimensions of the message of the Nazarene. What is important is for Christianity to maintain its character as a spiritual path. That can sustain so many Christian men and women in the face of the mediocrity and irrelevancy into which the present Catholic Church has fallen.

Leonardo Boff


Free translation from the Spanish by
Melina Alfaro

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4 svar på Boff om kyrkans kris

  1. Anneli Magnusson skriver:

    Katolska kyrkans problem i ett nötskal, mycket tänkvärt!

  2. Samuel Johansson skriver:


    Ibland korsas vägarna på de mest överraskande sätt. Så var det när jag mötte broder Roger utan att veta vem det var, men hans blick och utstrålning fick mig att smälta och under de följande veckorna inhämta hans lära med öppet hjärta, dvs kristen universalism.

    Johannes Paulus II många böner om förlåtelse var oemotståndliga för ett kristet hjärta och ett sinne upplyst om urkyrkans katolska historia och Nya Testamentets tillkomst som gåva till oss alla.

    Något liknande händer nu med Leonardo Boff och hans frisinnade spiritualitet: ”… it is born and nourished by the permanent fascination with the figure, and the liberating and spiritual message of Jesus of Nazareth”.

    Och hans uppfordrande ord: ”The correct approach is for all the Churches to recognize each other, because they reveal different and complementary dimensions of the message of the Nazarene.”

    Vem kan motstå sådan insiktsfull maning?

    Vi ryms kanske under samma paraply, samma sol trots allt…


  3. Samuel Johansson skriver:


    Sedan jag fann er vara kristna trossyskon har jag av och till försökt formulera en gyllene medelväg mellan det ultraliberala ”anything goes” och det fundamentalistiska ”back to basics” genom att ta det bästa från båda.

    Jag tror nu Leonardo Boff gjort jobbet åt mig.

    Å ena sidan skriver han:
    ”The movement of Jesus is certainly the most vigorous force of Christianity, stronger than the Churches, because it is neither bounded by institutions, nor is it a prisoner of doctrines and dogmas.”

    En Jesus som inte låter sig låsas in i dogmatik ger maximal frihet för alla sorts människor att relatera och leva med honom på ett högst personligt sätt.

    Och är inte just detta vad miljoner ”privatreligiösa” gör, ofta långt utanför Kyrkans väggar. Jesus passerar obehindrat de mest grundmurade antikyrkliga attityder av motstånd eftersom ingen som mött honom förblir likgiltig inför hans öde. Ett ställningstagande är ofrånkomligt.

    (Ni minns säkert varför Monty Python gjorde Life of Brian istället för Life of Christ; respekt för integritet.)

    Å andra sidan skriver Boff lite överraskande:
    ”The correct approach is for all the Churches to recognize each other, because they reveal different and complementary dimensions of the message of the Nazarene.” Här döljer sig ett antal moraliska oct intellektuella obligatorier.

    Kyrkornas budskap formuleras ofrånkomligen i vissa satser, vilka inte kan se ut hur som helst. Anything goes är inte trovärdigt. Det basala kan inte undvaras. Komplementaritet måste ha ett gemensamt centrum för att alls kunna ge en sammanhållen helhetsbild.

    Jesus har trots allt ett givet budskap med en given innebörd. Det finns en oupplöslig kärna, en klippfast grund som är unik och genuint kristen. Och det är där, i evangeliets centrala satser, vi kan mötas och ge varandra ömsesidigt erkännande och så uppfylla Jesu bön om enhet så att världen kan tro.

    Livets träd, som vi känner det alltsedan Darwin, är den övergripande metafor jag finner mest tilltalande, de miljoner livsformerna under evolutionshistorien kan anta de mest varierande utseenden, men de kan inte göra sig av med cellens centrala funktioner, cellkärnans dna som kodar för de mest vitala processerna i kroppen som helhet. Det finns en oundgänglig kod för det liv som måste bevaras.

    Det finns ett barn i badvattnet. Låt oss likt mor Maria lyfta upp och älska det av hela vårt hjärta.


  4. Pingback: Katolsk Vision » ”Stöd och uppmuntran till katoliker besvikna på sin kyrka”

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