NCR 18 jan
Utmärkt artikel av Phyllis Zagano som beskriver hur den pågående Synodens målsättning – att göra såväl manliga som kvinnliga lekmän mer delaktiga i kyrkan – var något som Benedikt i varje detalj motarbetade genom att se till att katolska kyrkans Kanoniska Lag juridiskt höll kyrkans styrelse och ämbetsutövning inom det klerikala kastsystemet.
”Not long ago, Sr. Nathalie Becquart, undersecretary of the General Secretariat of the Synod, said the current synod would lead ”to a new reception of the Second Vatican Council,” allowing the reforms of the mid-1960s to finally take hold. A small but vocal cadre of Catholics fears that precise possibility, which they caricature as a church overrun with bad liturgy, bad moral theology and guitar music.”
”In 1997, Benedict, still Cardinal Josef Ratzinger, refused to sign a 1997 International Theological Commission document allowing for women deacons and instead put then-professor-now-Cardinal Gerhard L. Mueller to the task of rewriting crucial passages, allowing John Paul II and later Benedict to ignore the issue. ”
// Irène