Tony Flannery och Women’s Ordination Worldwide

Tony Flannery ska 1 juni medverka i en  rundabordsdiskussion  i Rom angående prästvigning av kvinnor som anordnats av WOW  – Women’s Ordination Worldwide.

Tony Flannery skriver

”Under senare år har jag blivit alltmer övertygad om att frågan kring kvinnors jämställdhet är det mest grundläggande problemet i katolska kyrkan. Det är inget övergående problem. Tvärtom  kommer det att bli viktigare och viktigare och orsak till att ännu fler kvinnor lämnar kyrkan.”

Tony  Flannery ställer sig bakom ett öppet brev från John Shea OSA -en augustinerpräst han lärt känna i USA – adresserat till kardinal Maradiaga och övriga medlemmar i kardinalskollegiet pingsten 2016.

”Pentecost, 2016

Dear Cardinal Maradiaga,

I am writing again to you and to the other members of the Council of Cardinals on this profoundly holy day to ask you to discuss at your next meeting a core issue of structural reform—ecclesia semper reformanda—an issue that continues to disrespect every aspect of the identity and mission of the church: the decision to see women as not biologically worthy to be ordained to the priesthood. Of all the things that Pope Francis has said and done, his opening of the Synod on the Family in 2014 was perhaps the most extraordinary: he asked the bishops to speak “freely,” “boldly,” and “without fear.” On the one hand, this exhortation is incredibly shocking, that he would have to ask his fellow bishops—grown men and the teachers of the church—to speak honestly to each other. On the other hand, given the atmosphere of the Vatican where honest exchange is often so difficult, his exhortation was not only necessary but also a modest sign of hope in our dialogically challenged church. If you believe that the ordination of women to the priesthood is vital for the integrity, mutuality, and viability of our church, I ask you to speak freely, boldly, and without fear. If you find nothing in Scripture or tradition prejudicial against
women or precluding their ordination to the priesthood, I ask you to speak freely, boldly, and without fear. If you know that the actual history of ordination—of women as well as men—needs to be acknowledged and carefully understood by you and
all the bishops, I ask you to speak freely, boldly, and without fear. If you believe the letter, Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, squashed dialogue on the ordination of women just when it could have been open, intelligent, and fruitful, I ask you to speak freely, boldly, and without fear. If you know that any given woman is as religiously mature and able to provide pastoral care as any given man, I ask you to speak freely, boldly, and without fear. If you know that seeing women and men through a “complementarity” lens or in light of precious “theological symbolism” is not pertinent to ordination, I ask you to speak freely, boldly, and without fear. If you see the letter, Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, as an historical explanation of ordination rather than a theological explanation, I ask you to speak freely, boldly, and without fear. If you think the one theological explanation put forth by the Vatican in the 1970s and 1980s—that women cannot be ordained becausethey are “not fully in the likeness of Jesus”—would be silly if it were it not so heretical, I ask you to speak freely, boldly, and without fear.
If you know that the church’s opposition to the ordination of women is understood—within the church and throughout the world—as affirming women’s inferiority and justifying all kinds of horrible violence against them, I ask you to speak freely, boldly, and without fear. If you understand why so many of the adult faithful are leaving the church in droves over the injustice of women barred from priesthood—if you see that a “patriarchal Jesus” is a colossal contradiction—I ask you
to speak freely, boldly, and without fear. If the church’s current practice directly undermines our God’s relational Three-in-Oneness—if a huge patriarchal plank is stuck in the church’s eye, worshipping the Father as male, the Son as male, and the
Holy Spirit as male—I ask you to speak freely, boldly, and without fear. If you want our church to walk proudly on two feet instead of aping patriarchal culture and hobbling around on one, please—honoring the human and the divine—have the courage to speak freely, boldly, and without fear. If you have some inkling that all the reforms you are undertaking
ultimately do not mean very much as long as women are not fully in the likeness of Jesus in our church, I ask you on this holy day of Pentecost to speak freely, boldly, and without fear.
Cardinal Maradiaga, is injustice to women to cripple the Christian message forever? Like the reformation of inclusion in the infant church, can you and your fellow bishops see and hear and name what Pope Francis is not able to see or hear or name.

John O’Shea OSA

// Irène

PS   Hur kommer det sig att inte en endaste  kotte till katolsk präst i världens mest jämställda land offentligt deklarerar sitt stöd till Tony Flannery eller Roy Bourgeois som båda offrat sitt eget privilegium att utöva prästyrket ?   Svaret beror på – tror jag – att flertalet katolska präster i Sverige är importerade från länder där över-och underordning mellan män och kvinnor fortfarande anses som en orubblig naturlag  skapad av Gud – som ju även skapat alla andra naturlagar.

Men även som infödd svensk man – och sedermera katolsk biskop – går det med  lite god katolsk vilja att upprätthålla livslång vanföreställning att företräda  Guds vilja om manligt tolkningsföreträde i alla frågor som rör tro och moral………

Vatikanen och mänskliga fri- och rättigheter

Ärkebiskop Müller versus father Flannery

Tony Flannery och samvetets överhöghet

Går ”katolsk” att komparera ?

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1 svar på Tony Flannery och Women’s Ordination Worldwide

  1. Gert Gelotte skriver:


    Förbudet mot kvinnliga präster som i sitt större sammanhang av manlig överordning och kvinnlig underordning utgör katolska kyrkans eget apartheidsystem, är bjälken i kyrkans öga.


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