Skämt, misstag, okunskap eller ……?

Vad menas med att en kvinnlig katolsk biskop – Bridget Mary Meehan – fått inbjudan att skänka pengar och att närvara vid påvens mässa när han han kommer till Philadelphia i september ?

Skämt, misstag, okunskap eller tecken på upphävande av exkommunikation ?

Läs dialogen mellan Bridget Mary Meehan ARCWP och Janice Sevre-Duszynska ARCWP.

(Janice Sevre-Duszynska är den präst vid vars prästvigning 2008 Roy Bourgeois närvarade och predikade och som var orsaken till att han exkommunicerades och uteslöts ur sin orden Mary Knoll.)

Janice:  What is it, Bridget Mary? You look shocked! What did you get in the mail?

Bridget Mary: (holding the letter in her hand) It’s an invitation to attend the Papal Mass in Philadelphia in September. I wonder if all the women priests received one? Wouldn’t that be wonderful!

Janice: Philadelphia! Has Francis heard we’re ordaining women bishops there September 24th?

Bridget Mary:  I doubt it, but he will now!

Janice: Maybe there’s one waiting for me at home… Is the Vatican sending us a signal that they’re going to lift our excommunications?

Bridget Mary: There’s more. They’re also asking me to contribute money for the Pope’s visit.

Janice: When you were ordained, Catholic publishers returned your books to you. Surely Francis has heard about our excommunications. I just received the Inquisition’s stamped version of mine from the Lexington diocese seven years after my ordination.

Bridget Mary (reading the letter): They need “to raise tens of millions of dollars to plan the meeting and prepare for the Pope’s arrival at one of the largest gatherings of people of faith ever to take place in America.”

Janice: That needs editing. Maybe we could use some of their marketing ideas for our fundraising. (pause) Somebody should tell them you’re still on “The List of the Excommunicated.” And, we will have  ordained 22 deacons and priests plus three women bishops by the time Francis gets to Philly.

Bridget Mary: It’s a win-win… Oh, here’s that gorgeous picture the Pope sent me of him smiling…

Janice: Yes, he’s sure lovable… We should invite him to our women bishops’ ordinations.

Bridget Mary: (nodding) The Holy Year of Mercy is right around the corner. May the Liberty Bell ring out freedom for primacy of conscience.

Janice: The other holy card is a young Mary.

Maria löser upp knutarna

Bridget Mary: We know how Francis feels about us infertile older women.

Janice:  She’s surrounded by angels with a dove above her head.  (She turns it over). It’s “Mary, Undoer of Knots!”

Bridget Mary ”Undoer of Knots?”That should read N-O-T-S… beginning with women priests.

Janice: For a moment I thought it was a shrine in Ireland! It’s from a painting. At least it is not the bound woman like the Vatican just featured in its conference on women’s equality and difference. Look at the prayer Pope Francis wrote. He refers to God again as only  “Him,” one, two, three times…

// Irène

PS  Men Bridget Mary och Janice Sevre-Duszynska är ju  exkommunicerade  kanske någon påpekar.

Jag upprepar .

När ska katoliker lära sig att nya sanningar brukar  komma  in i romersk-katolska kyrkan via exkommunicerade och starkt ifrågasatta  personer.

Ty nya sanningar brukar börja som osanningar……


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